[lg policy] Indigenous Language Institute: Native Language News

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Mon Sep 19 14:12:12 UTC 2011

Forwarded From: Indigenous Language Institute <ili at ilinative.org>
Date: Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 10:09 AM

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 *Indigenous Language Institute Symposium Series*
* *
*Native Languages Everywhere, Everyday for Everyone: *
*Immersion for All Environments*

*October 24-25, 2011*
*Hyatt Regency Hotel, Albuquerque, New Mexico*
* http://www.ilinative.org/iliss/<http://e2ma.net/go/7203917252/208673557/224719725/28751/goto:http://www.ilinative.org/iliss/>
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Menominee Language & Culture Code &Commission

 Karen Washinawatok M.A., resides in Keshena, WI on the Menominee
Reservation. Karen earned her Master of Arts at University of Arizona-Tucson
while participating in the American Indian Language Development Institute.
She is currently the Director of the Menominee Language & Culture
Commission. Ms. Washinawatok, former Menominee Legislator/Chairwoman also
serves on the Menominee Indian School District Board; member of the
Strategic Plan/Cultural Workgroup; College of Menominee Nation –
Institutional Review Board & ANA –Language Project Board member.

  The Menominee Language and Culture Code Commission was created in 1996 by
Tribal Ordinance 96-22. The official document or Code and nine eminent
elders and licensed teachers provide oversight to the department. This
presentation will include the mandates of the Code, activities of the
Commission; highlighting the support of the Menominee Tribal Legislature.
Revitalization efforts, success and challenges of the Menominee Language
will be shared including the protection of our intellectual/cultural
property rights.


Regular Registration is August 26 through September 25, 2011, $200

Elder Registration (65+), $150
Student Registration (must provide school I.D.), $150

For Online Registration go to:

To Download PDF registration form:

For more information go to:


Reserve your lodging at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Hotel, Albuquerque, New
Mexico before October 3, 2011 to get the conference rate of $99
(single/double occupancy/per night).

Call 1-800-233-1234 and use "*Indigenous Language Institute*" or "*ILIS*"
code. Or book online at
in the corporate/group # enter this code

         1501 Cerrillos Road U-Building | Santa Fe, NM 87505 US

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