[lg policy] Canada: Protests over language policy heat up again in Cornwall

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Sat Aug 11 14:04:17 UTC 2012

 Protests over language policy heat up again in Cornwall
Amanda Robinson

A small group of people were protesting outside of the Eastern Ontario
Health Unit (EOHU) on Pitt Street in Cornwall this morning. Language
Fairness for All is against the French Language Services Act which it
says is preventing qualified applicants from being hired because they
aren't bilingual. Christopher Cameron tells TheCornwallDaily.com they
will target other government buildings. (Play Audio) Cameron says the
group's intention is to raise awareness.

Nine people wore sandwich boards, held up signs and some even covered
their mouths with hospital masks with "No English" written across
them. One sign cut out in the shape of a train read "Go West English
Rails."  About a half an hour into the demonstration, police showed up
and asked the group to stay off the EOHU lawn and remove their cars
from the parking lot. Most of the protestors complied but were angry
they were kicked off of what they believe to be public property.
However, Howard Galganov of Williamstown sat on the grass and refused
to budge. (Play Audio 2) Police did not arrest Galganov. South
Stormont Deputy Mayor Tammy Hart also stood on the picket lines.

Cameron first started protesting outside of Cornwall Community
Hospital back in February. He said the hospital's bilingual hiring
policy was discriminatory and prevented him from being hired full-time
there. In the spring, Cameron created the group Language Fairness for
All to protest the French Language Services Act.

The Eastern Ontario Health Unit declined to comment.


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