[lg policy] call: 2nd International Conference on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages (WGNDV): Exploring Linguistic Standards in Non-Dominant Varieties

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Wed Feb 22 19:41:24 UTC 2012

2nd International Conference on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric
Languages (WGNDV): Exploring Linguistic Standards in Non-Dominant
Salamanca, Spain
11-13 July 2012

2012 is the 20th anniversary of Michael Clyne's fundamental volume in
the studies of pluricentrism: Pluricentric Languages: different norms
in different nations (1992). In the last decades, with the impact of
globalization, there has been a growing interest in doing research
into the emergence of national and cross-national language varieties,
from an interdisciplinary context: Cognitive Linguistics,
Sociolinguistics, Language Policy and Planning, Corpus Linguistics,

In this sense, the Working Group on Non-Dominating Varieties of
Pluricentric Languages focuses, particularly, on the documentation and
description of the non-dominant linguistic norm-setting centres and
focuses on different aspects of their linguistic and pragmatic
situation: corpus, status and education/acquisition planning, explicit
and implicit language policies, national internal variation,
convergence or divergence between varieties, language attitudes,

Last July, the first conference of the group proposed the guidelines
and research objectives so as to delimit which varieties can be
considered as 'non- dominant' within a language and to systematize its

As Clyne (1992: 464) pointed out in the epilogue, 'no doubt there will
be greatly increased interaction between the centres of the
pluricentric languages, leading perhaps to more convergence, not
necessarily in the direction of the dominant centres, but perhaps to
new centres. There will be need for empirical study of the linguistic
consequences of contact between national varieties'. Twenty years
later, we would like to contribute to this task, with our second
symposium, and focus on whether and how the grade of
endonormativity-exonormativity of the varieties of the traditional
centres and peripheries has changed. This involves updating the
current situation of the languages included in Clyne (1992): Arabic,
Armenian, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi-Urdu, Korean,
Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil and also studying
Albanian, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Persian,
Romanian, and Russian from a pluricentric approach. It would be
interesting to establish a scale of
dominance/non-dominance/symmetry-asymmetry between the varieties of
these languages and how the concept of standard is defined or
conceived in the different linguistic cultures.

Social Programme:

Reception in Caballerizas (free)
Salamanca's tour (including the library of the Historical University
of Salamanca) (free)
Conference dinner
Trip to Candelario (small village near Salamanca)

Call for Papers:

All members of the working group on non-dominant varieties of
pluricentric languages, as well as all the scholars interested in this
research field, are invited to submit abstracts for papers (20 minutes
presentation, 10 minutes discussion) by 30 March 2012. There will also
be one plenary speaker and a roundtable. Everybody is welcome to
register for audience participation by 6 July 2012.


All abstracts should be written in English or Spanish (the two
languages of the conference) and sent to salamancandv2012usal.es as an
email attachment in Word format. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words
plus 4 keywords.


A volume of selected papers is to be published.

Scientific Committee:

Rudolf Muhr
Carla Amorós
Catrin Norrby
Leo Kretzenbacher
Carmen Fernández Juncal
Klaus Zimmermann

Organisation Committee:

Rudolf Muhr
Carla Amorós
Emilio Prieto de los Mozos
Carmen Fernández Juncal
Natividad Hernández Muñoz
Mercedes Marcos Sánchez


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