[lg policy] China: Languages matter for learning and harmonious development

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Wed Feb 22 19:46:07 UTC 2012

Languages matter for learning and harmonious development
Updated: 2012-02-21 14:40

By Abhimanyu Singh (chinadaily.com.cn)
A language is more than a means of communication: it is a unique
reflection of the worldview held by the group of speakers; a vehicle
of cultural expression and a depository of the value system of the
speakers. It frames the identity of the speakers. Language is perhaps
the most human of human traits. Who we are is essentially linked with
the language or languages we speak. Language is essential to the
well-being and continued progress of any human society. The survival
of language is critical for our own survival. However, the world's
linguistic diversity is being seriously threatened in the 21st Century
by the rising tide of economic and cultural globalization and emerging
technologies. According to the "UNESCO Atlas of World's Languages in
Danger of Disappearing", among 6,000 languages that are spoken in our
world today, nearly 43% are at risk of extinction.

Education systems play a critical role in whether languages become
extinct- or are able to survive and thrive. On the other hand, shared
languages and cultural references are the basis of knowledge transfer
in the education system. However each day, millions of children are
taught in languages which is not their own and hence must struggle to
understand. Hence, UNESCO advocates the use of mother languages in
school systems right from early years. Research supports that strong
foundation in mother tongue is critical for cognitive development and
it helps acquire other languages.

Proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1999, the
International Mother Language Day has been celebrated every year on
Feb 21 worldwide since 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural
diversity and multilingualism. The theme of 2012 International Mother
Language Day is "Mother Tongue Instruction and Inclusive Education".
It highlights the importance of mother tongue from the angle of the
right to education and encourages Member States to promote instruction
and education in mother tongue.
The mother language or "mother tongue" is the language in which first
words are spoken and thoughts expressed by an individual. Thus it is
generally the language that a person speaks most fluently.
Cognitively, the mother language is a crucial tool every child uses to
understand the world. Culturally, the mother language is a fundamental
expression of history and identity.
Often, the most disadvantaged people in a country are those whose
mother language is different from the national language. This creates
problems in many areas: education, health, income disparity, risk of
exploitation, exposure to environmental hazards, access to the legal
system, etc. Policies that take diversity of mother languages into
account can help unite a country while strong monolingual policies can
contribute to social division.
Governments and development organizations must take language into
account when engaging people, rather than embracing a "one size fits
all" language policy; as one slogan for the United Nations
International Year of Languages declared: "Languages Matter!"

Languages matter for the fulfillment of the eight Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), adopted in 2000 by the General Assembly of
the United Nations to eradicate extreme poverty and deprivation by

-- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2012-02/21/content_14659503.htm
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