[lg policy] Latvian voters reject Russian as official second language

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Thu Feb 23 16:46:53 UTC 2012

Content about Language policy in Latvia
Latvian voters reject Russian as official second language
  February 20, 2012 - 4:16pm

Latvian voters presented their government with a resounding 'No' on
18-19 February, when they voted against making Russian the second
national language of the country in a referendum. When voting ended,
75% of voters had rejected the proposal.

Latvian voters presented their government with a resounding 'No' on
18-19 February, when they voted against making Russian the second
national language of the country in a referendum. When voting ended,
75% of voters had rejected the proposal.

The referendum showed a higher voter turnout - more than 70% of voters
participated - than previous elections and referendums. Participation
was even more than parliamentary elections, which traditionally show
the most involvement.


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