[lg policy] Ukraine: Some 90, 000 Sevastopol residents put signature for 'language' bill

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jun 29 14:26:40 UTC 2012

Some 90,000 Sevastopol residents put signature for 'language' bill

June 28, 2012, 1:47 p.m. | Politics — by Interfax-Ukraine


    Azarov: Ukraine not discussing official status for Russian language

    Lytvyn says idea of granting Russian language official status utopian

    Yefremov: Russian language status in Ukraine could be put up for referendum

    A political threat to Ukraine’s language

    Tymoshenko concerned over language bill

SEVASTOPOL — Some 90,000 Sevastopol residents have put their
signatures for the adoption of the law on the basis of state language
policy, First Deputy Head of Sevastopol Administration Serhiy Savenkov
has said.

"Some 90,000 signatures within ten days is another confirmation of the
need to reform the Constitution in terms of language policy and start
the reform this year," he said.  According to him, the directions for
reforming the Constitution have been determined.

"These are the strengthening of human rights and freedoms, a clear
separation of various branches of power, the reforming of local
government and the ensuring of the country's international
integration," said Savenkov.

Asked about the level of mass media freedom in the city, he said that
the most free mass media in Ukraine is in Sevastopol.

"We see that all journalists have complete freedom. We perceive
absolutely normally all political forces, all the views of all
citizens," said Savenkov.

He also called on journalists to help hold the parliamentary elections
fairly and transparently.


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