[lg policy] The Intoxicating Fear of Language Immersion

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 16 14:26:34 UTC 2013

 Forwarded  "edling at bunner.geol.lu.se" <edling at bunner.geol.lu.se>

The Atlantic

The Intoxicating Fear Of Language Immersion

If you are studying a language, you eventually reach a point where
learning the rules--divorced from any applicable environment, excised
from hot, random reality--becomes insufficient. It is one thing for me
to run through the conjugations of the verb vouloir. But to, in the
moment, say "Ils ont voulu plus d'argent" without thinking, without
conjugating, without searching, is something else. It's the space
between theory and practice, between diagramming a safety blitz and
seeing whether you actually like hitting and being hit.

Full story:

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