[lg policy] Karnataka: State board schools cry foul over DPI notification

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 16:09:29 UTC 2014

State board schools cry foul over DPI notification DC CORRESPONDENT | December
31, 2014, 06.12 am IST
[image: Associated Managements of English Medium School in Karnataka (KAMS)
has alleged that this whole exercise was aimed at exploiting the school
managements by the officials.]
Associated Managements of English Medium School in Karnataka (KAMS) has
alleged that this whole exercise was aimed at exploiting the school
managements by the officials.

*Bengaluru:* A week after Department of Public Instruction (DPI) published
the list of 1,266 private unaided schools in the city stating that these
schools are operating without department recognition and permission, a new
controversy has been erupted.

Associated Managements of English Medium School in Karnataka (KAMS) has
alleged that this whole exercise was aimed at exploiting the school
managements by the officials.

Speaking to reporters here on Tuesday, Mr. D. Shashikumar, general
secretary of the KAMS released documents showing that many schools which
were recognised a decade ago are also listed as unauthorised in the new

He warned that if DPI does not withdraw the notices issued to the schools,
they will consider of not admitting students under the Right to Education
(RTE) free quota seats in the next academic year.

Mr. Shashikumar informed that while releasing the list DPI overlooked
critical issues. Majority of the state schools in the city have been listed
as unauthorised citing violation of the language policy.

But in reality, Supreme Court has already struck down the language policy.
Adding to it many schools were shown that they are operating pre-primary
schools illegally without considering the fact that these schools were
permitted to start pre-primary schools in the year 2006 itself.

“Now, in the name of the notice, few officials of the department are
demanding money in the name of regularisation. We will move the court
seeking relief,” he said.

“Till last year, RTE students were admitted to these schools after
verifying the documents. But within six months now DPI officials are saying
that these schools have no valid permission. How it is possible?” he

No reimbursement: Mr. Shashikumar informed that even seven months after the
start of the academic year 2014-15, DPI yet to reimburse the school fee of
RTE quota students.

“Every year DPI officials assure that they will reimburse the fee money
with in few weeks. But they never stick to their assurance. This is
resulted in 20% to 30% loss to the schools," he said.

“We are demanding realistic fee from the DPI. But they are not ready to
listen to us. We will take a final decision on RTE admission process for
the academic year 2015-16 in next few days," he added.
But when contacted DPI officials, they refuted the allegations. A senior
officer informed that for the first time, a list of unauthorised schools is
prepared based on the available documents and school visit. "Schools are
given enough time to submit documents and get clean chit,"  he said.


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