[lg policy] Ireland: Fresh supermarket apologises in foreign language row after issuing 'only English' policy

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 16:37:32 UTC 2015

 Fresh supermarket apologises in foreign language row after issuing 'only
English' policy

   -  11:47, 4 March 2015 <http://www.irishmirror.ie/by-date/04-03-2015>
   - By Brynmor Pattison

  The notice threatened staff with disciplinary action if they didn't speak
English - even on rest breaks

Fresh store at Grand Canal Dock

Supermarket chain Fresh has apologised for any offence caused over a policy
notice that told foreign staff they couldn't speak their own language in

The "communication policy" memo, found by a Broadsheet.ie
<http://www.broadsheet.ie/> user and posted to that site
<http://www.broadsheet.ie/2015/03/02/fresh-language/> on Monday, told
employees that the "use of various languages on the shop floor has resulted
in misunderstandings and some negative customer comments".

It was claimed that the notice, headed with the Fresh logo, was found in
the Grand Canal Dock Fresh store. It was dated February 23.

It added: "Where possible the company would much prefer if the staff member
encourages English speaking."

The document requested that staff speak English "even when working with a
colleague who may speak the same language as you".

Online users greeted the first half of the policy largely with agreement,
however reacted strongly when the end of the document asked employees "that
this policy be applied during rest breaks".

It also concluded: "Please be advised that going forward should anyone be
heard on the shop floor or while working speaking another language other
than English that they may be the subject of disciplinary action."

One Reddit user posted: "I was ambiguous right up until rest breaks. They
have no business interfering with employees private communications.

Another added: "Starts off morally ok-ish, gets a bit dodge towards the end.

A third said: "Makes sense. It also says if a customer speaks to them in
their language they should obviously respond in it.

"I don't see the big deal in a company asking employees to speak English in
a country that speaks English.

"Might be a bit heavy with the threat of disciplinary action but I suppose
you have to send a message."

In a statement this week, Fresh Opportunities founder Noel Smith said he
apologised for any offence caused and said they had issued an "updated"

He said: "As you may have seen from social media recently, we issued a
communication policy to our staff members, to encourage them to speak
English when in the workplace.

"This was to help avoid any misunderstandings between customers, staff and
suppliers on the shop floor.

"We’ve been consulting with our staff over the last 24 hours and as our
earlier communication policy caused some confusion, we decided to take the
step of updating this policy.

"This updated communication policy has now been issued to all our staff
members, to help create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all our

"We are encouraging our staff to speak English or Irish when in the
workplace and this doesn’t apply to rest periods.

"We will also provide information around language classes to any team
members, who feel that they could benefit from improving their language

"Our goal is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our
staff here at Fresh and if we caused offence, then we apologise

"I am personally very proud of our team here at Fresh and we look forward
to serving you in the future."


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