[lg policy] Tanzania Drops English for Kiswahili

Joyce Milambiling joyce.milambiling at uni.edu
Fri Mar 6 16:59:56 UTC 2015


One of your guests that I met when I was at your house was from Tanzania, I
believe. I thought this might be interesting to him--he probably knows that
the policy changed, but it might be fun for him to read what Language
Magazine has to say about it.


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Harold Schiffman <hfsclpp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Tanzania Drops English for Kiswahili
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> [image: 497614547]
> <http://languagemagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/497614547.jpg>Since
> Tanzania’s independence from Britain in 1961, public education has been
> bilingual, beginning with Kiswahili – known as Swahili in the West – in
> elementary school, and switching to English from high school to university.
> President Jakaya Kikwete and his administration have launched new education
> guidelines that will make only Kiswahili the language of instruction from
> primary school to university level.
> English classes will still be available as foreign language credit, but
> the main language of instruction will be Kiswahili, making Tanzania the
> first sub-Saharan African country to conduct education on a national scale
> in an African language. Atetaulwa Ngatara, the assistant director for
> policy at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, commented, “To
> think that learning in English will lead to students communicating in
> English is wrong. Communicating in English is something else, which has to
> do with language studies.”
> Some regard this as a bold assertion of cultural self-affirmation.
> Although Tanzania is home to over 130 languages and cultures, Kiswahili
> emerged from various ethnic conflicts as a uniting force and a means by
> which the country has created a collective identity. However, in addition
> to cultural identity, the new guidelines hold practical implications for
> education reform. Kikwete hopes to bring some clarity to a bilingual system
> that has left students confused and not necessarily proficient in either
> language. The policy aims to provide consistency in text and reference
> books throughout both public and private schools. “It’s impossible that
> every school uses its own reference book when the final examinations are
> the same,” said President Kikwete, “How do we expect students to pass in
> these conditions?”
> http://languagemagazine.com/?page_id=123193
> --
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