[lg policy] South Africa: Pretoria University 'can't redress the past if language policy stays'

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 15:33:49 UTC 2016

 Pretoria University 'can't redress the past if language policy stays'
Related Links

   - Pretoria University to continue with limited programme, despite
   - Our courses are already being taught in English - UP vice chancellor
   - AfriForum pledges to protect Tuks Afrikaans students

Pretoria - The University of Pretoria (UP) won't be able to redress the
past if the institution is expected to retain its current language policy.

That was one of the arguments put forward in the High Court in Pretoria by
Advocate Gilbert Marcus, for the university, Netwerk24

"Our shared values underpinning the Constitution can't be achieved when one
group almost always wants its demands met," he said.

Rights organisation AfriForum and trade union Solidarity want UP's new
language policy set aside.

In terms of the new policy, approved on June 22, English will, as of next
year, become the primary language of instruction. Students who started
their courses in Afrikaans will, however, be allowed to finish them in that

Afrikaans will still be used in the faculties of education and theology.

Afrikaans and North Sotho will be supported as academic languages, with
students allowed to discuss study material in study groups in these

*'Oppression of Afrikaners'*

Marcus said the university wasn't targeting Afrikaans students or the

About 18% of the students had indicated that they preferred Afrikaans as
the academic language. Marcus said they had an advantage because the
classes were smaller.

Advocate Gretha Engebrecht, for AfriForum and Solidarity, said if the
university was going to redress the past, it should include the oppression
of Afrikaners.

"Our history also includes, and I'm not saying for a moment it was to the
same extent, oppression of Afrikaners by the English."

Advocate Johan du Toit, also for AfriForum and Solidarity, said the
language policy was unconstitutional. He said it was possible to offer
tuition in both English and Afrikaans without it costing the university
more money.

"Everyone wanting to study in English can do so."

Du Toit said if English was the only language at UP, it would affect
promoting other languages.

Judgment was reserved.


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