[lg policy] UK: Muslim women to be taught English in £20m plan to beat 'backward attitudes'

Dave Sayers dave.sayers at cantab.net
Mon Jan 18 07:39:01 UTC 2016

"Tens of thousands of Muslim women unable to speak English are to be given the chance 
to learn the language in a new government drive to build community integration and 
counter extremism.

Launching a £20m language fund, David Cameron called for an end to the “passive 
tolerance” of separate communities which left many Muslim women facing discrimination 
and social isolation."

More here: http://goo.gl/3QVjD2.

I've heard enough episodes of BBC More or Less to ask how far that money will go. The 
article goes on to add: "The government estimates that there are 190,000 Muslim women 
in England who speak little or no English." So, £2m into 1.9k, that would work out 
at... £10.53 per person!

Chump change for populist fluff then, basically.


Dr. Dave Sayers
Senior Lecturer, Dept Humanities, Sheffield Hallam University | www.shu.ac.uk
Honorary Research Fellow, Cardiff University & WISERD | www.wiserd.ac.uk
dave.sayers at cantab.net | http://shu.academia.edu/DaveSayers

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