[lg policy] Fwd: Language Policy and Localization in Pakistan: Proposal for a Paradigmatic Shift - Academia.edu

Harold Schiffman haroldfs at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 14:40:44 UTC 2016

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From: Academia.edu Weekly Digest <noreply at academia-mail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 11:50 PM
Subject: Language Policy and Localization in Pakistan: Proposal for a
Paradigmatic Shift - Academia.edu
To: haroldfs at gmail.com

[image: Academia.edu] <https://www.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>

[image: Tariq Rahman]
Bookmarked by stephen bahry

Language Policy and Localization in Pakistan: Proposal for a Paradigmatic

[image: Juldyz Smagulova]
<https://kimep.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/JuldyzSmagulova> *Juldyz
Smagulova* <https://kimep.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/JuldyzSmagulova>
Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economica and Strategic Research
<https://kimep.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>, Language Center

Bilingual Education in Central Asia

[image: Robert Lawson]
<https://bcu.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/RobertLawson> *Robert Lawson*
Birmingham City University <https://bcu.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>,
English <https://bcu.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/Departments/English>,

(Introduction) Sociolinguistic Research: Application and Impact

The purpose of this book is to show how research across sociolinguistics
can achieve something called 'impact,' and to provide a window into the
journey that any researcher takes in pursuing this ascendant priority.

[image: Robert Lawson]
<https://bcu.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/RobertLawson> *Robert Lawson*
Birmingham City University <https://bcu.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>,
English <https://bcu.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/Departments/English>,

Where we're going, we don't need roads: The past, present, and future of

[image: Tariq Rahman]
Beaconhouse National University
<https://beaconhousenationaluniversity.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>, Dean
of School of Education

The Muslim Response to English in South Asia, With Special Reference to
Inequality, Intolerance, and Militancy.pdf

The Muslims of India responded to English in various ways. First, they
resisted it; then they accepted it reluctantly and finally they were keen
to learn it for pragmatic reasons since the most powerful and lucrative
jobs were in this language.

[image: Hadar Netz]
<https://telaviv.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/HadarNetz> *Hadar Netz*
Tel Aviv University <https://telaviv.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>, School
of Education

Do Marked Topics Enhance Memory?

We examined the effects of markedness, the deviation from the canonical
Subject-Verb-Object structure in English, on the memory of listeners for
the topic of the sentence. We used three marked topic constructions:
Left-Dislocation, Object-Fronting, and Subject-Marking. Sentences with
these structures were inserted as the 6th item in lists of 12 canonical
sentences. In all sentences the topic was the name of a man. We measured
recall of the critical name. The results revealed that topics of
Left-Dislocated sentences were recalled more than topics of the other
constructions, with topics of...

[image: Hadar Netz]
<https://telaviv.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/HadarNetz> *Hadar Netz*
Tel Aviv University <https://telaviv.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>, School
of Education

The Effect of Marked Topic on Memory in Hebrew and English

[image: Ron Kuzar] <https://haifa.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/RonKuzar> *Ron
Kuzar* <https://haifa.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/RonKuzar>
University of Haifa <https://haifa.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>, English
Language and Literature

Constructions: A construction grammar approach to argument structure: Adele
E. Goldberg, Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1995. xi + 265 pp

[image: Harold Schiffman]
<https://independent.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/HaroldSchiffman> *Harold

1. Tamil Language Policy in Singapore

[image: Ron Kuzar] <https://haifa.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/RonKuzar> *Ron
Kuzar* <https://haifa.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/RonKuzar>
University of Haifa <https://haifa.academia.edu/t/a-K9c600T-wpvTM/>, English
Language and Literature

Split Word, Split Subject, Split Society

I would like to outline a direction of lexical analysis which articulates
the dynamic relation between the stable and unstable parts of meaning. In
the first part of the paper I will critique the formalistic approach ("
meaning is invariant") and the sociologizing approach (" ...

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 Harold F. Schiffman

Professor Emeritus of
 Dravidian Linguistics and Culture
Dept. of South Asia Studies
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305

Phone:  (215) 898-7475
Fax:  (215) 573-2138

Email:  haroldfs at gmail.com

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