[lg policy] South Africa: Sans Souci Girls' High School reviewing code of conduct - WCED

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 15:29:10 UTC 2016

Sans Souci Girls' High School reviewing code of conduct - WCED

The school is reviewing its code of conduct following claims of
discrimination from current and past pupils.
[image: Chalk and a blackboard duster in the refurbished Samson Senior
Primary School in the Eastern Cape. Picture: Reinart Toerien/EWN.]
Reinart Toerien/EWN.

   - Racism <http://ewn.co.za/Topic/racism>
   - Natural hair <http://ewn.co.za/Topic/natural-hair>
   - Pretoria Girls High School
   - Politics of hair <http://ewn.co.za/Topic/politics-of-hair>

Monique Mortlock <http://ewn.co.za/Contributors/Monique-Mortlock> | about
11 hours ago

CAPE TOWN - The Western Cape Education Department
<http://ewn.co.za/Topic/WCED> (WCED) says Sans Souci Girls’ High School is
reviewing its code of conduct.

*Eyewitness News* has received complaints
former and current pupils of the Newlands school, saying they feel they're
being discriminated against over the institution's language and uniform

Former head prefect Nicole Jones says she's decided to speak out in the
wake of protests at the Pretoria High School for Girls.

"We would like to see the various discriminatory hair policies, which ban
‘exotic’ hairstyles, to go. This includes the language policy which forbids
the speaking of Xhosa on the school’s premises."

LISTEN: *Public Protector talks hair, racism & school policies *

One young woman says she and her classmates are often berated for speaking
Xhosa during break time.

"I think it should be allowed for you to speak another language. A lot of
the time it’s not allowed and you’ll go to detention, or you’ll get a
demerit because you speak a different language other than English."

The WCED’s Paddy Attwell says allegations of racism and discrimination are
being probed.

"The school is consulting all sectors and has nearly completed their
consultation process. The school governing body has revisited the tone of
the code and polices regarding hairstyles. The tone of the code will change
significantly according to the school. The code will encourage learners to
be neat and present themselves well as young women who can make a
*EWN *is still awaiting comment from the school.

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