[lg policy] New Zealand: Statutory board wants action on words

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 15:22:18 UTC 2016

 Statutory board wants action on words
05 Sep 2016 13:12 PM

Auckland’s Independent Maori Statutory Board has welcomed Auckland
Council’s adoption of a te reo Maori policy, but says the implementation
plan is light on detail.

Deputy chair Glenn Wilcox says the board identified the need for a Maori
language Policy in its first Te Tiriti o Waitangi Audit, but it has taken
four years to be developed.

That is indicative of the speed the 24 recommendations from the audit are
being addressed, with only five signed off so far.

He says the pace should pick up after the recent establishment of Te Toa
Takitini, a cross-council executive working group to respond to matters

The language policy is critical if the council is to deliver on the outcome
it promises in the new Auckland Plan, that a Maori identity is Auckland’s
point of difference in the world.


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