[lg policy] Fwd: CfP 5th Intn'l Language Management Symposium

Harold Schiffman haroldfs at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 16:31:47 UTC 2017

From: <lpren at caltalk.cal.org>
Date: Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 3:29 PM
 CfP 5th Intn'l Language Management Symposium

CAL Language Policy Research Network
Dear colleagues,
could you please distribute the following call for papers to the network
members? We would be most grateful...

Kind regards,

Marian Sloboda
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

5th International Language Management Symposium
Theme: Interests and Power in Language Management*Call for papers*

Dates: *September 12–14, 2017 *(Tue, Wed & Thu)

Venue: *University of Regensburg, Germany*

Building upon various approaches in Language Policy and Planning (LPP),
particularly Language Management Theory (LMT), the Fifth Language
Management Symposium welcomes papers highlighting interests and power in
language management.

Interests and power have been long acknowledged as important factors in
various approaches in LPP. Despite this fact, it is not an exaggeration to
claim that they have been devoted little focused attention compared to
other factors such as motivation in or goals of LPP. Though the
foundational paper of LMT published by B. H. Jernudd and J. V. Neustupný in
1987, entitled "Language planning: for whom?", was devoted to the issue of
interests, this topic has not been taken up and elaborated upon even in
this LPP research tradition. The aim of this symposium, therefore, is to
focus on the themes of interests and power and discuss their role and use
in language management.
*Call fo r indivi dual papers*

We invite proposals for papers which reflect any topic related to language
management and particularly, the special focus of the symposium. Questions
for discussion include (but are not limited to):

   - types of personal or group interests involved in language management;
   - divergent/conflicting interests in language management;
   - masking, revealing and legitimizing interests in language management;
   - power, powerlessness and empowerment in asserting various kinds of
   - power and interests in various phases of linguistic, communication and
   socio-cultural management;
   - power and interests in management of speaking in particular
   - sources of power (cultural, social, political, economic or others)
   that shape language management;
   - power to propose, formulate, defend, participate in or implement a
   language policy;
   - forming coalitions of actors in language management;
   - the use and management of power to change/maintain language or
   - ways of establishing or enforcing norms of language and communication

*Abstract submission*

Abstracts (300-500 words) should be e-mailed to:
symposium.interests-power at ur.de by *January 20, 2017*.

The abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee. Notification
of acceptance: February 28, 2017
*Registration fee*

Free of charge
*Invited speakers*

   - Jeroen Darquennes (Université de Namur, Belgique)
   - Björn H. Jernudd (independent scholar, Washington, D.C.)
   - Goro Christoph Kimura (Sophia University, Tokyo)

*Scientific committee*

   - Nor Liza Ali (University Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur)
   - Vít Dovalil (Charles University, Prague)
   - Lisa Fairbrother (Sophia Universi ty, Tokyo)
   - Sau Kuen Fan (Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo)
   - István Lanstyák (Comenius University, Bratislava)
   - Hidehiro Muraoka (Chiba University)
   - Marek Nekula (University of Regensburg)
   - Jiří Nekvapil (Charles University, Prague)
   - Tamah Sherman (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

*About the Language Management Symposia*

"Noting or noticing" being an essential condition for the start of language
management, the first international symposium on language management was
devoted to "probing of the concept of noting", and held at Monash
University (Clayton, Melbourne) in 2008. The second symposium addressing
"norm diversity and language management in globalized settings" took place
at Waseda University (Tokyo) in 2011. The third symposium held at Charles
University (Prague) in 2013 focused on methodology used in the
investigation of language management. In 2015, Sophia University (T okyo)
ho sted the fourth symposium devoted to reconsidering 'the process' in
language management. These symposia were closely connected with the
conceptual tools of LMT in the vein of J. V. Neustupný and B. H.
Jernudd. Though
the announced fifth symposium on interests and power follows up on this
research tradition, it is also intended to open new horizons and thus
welcomes incentives from other approaches in LPP as well.

 LPReN serves as a conduit for the dissemination of information by its
members without implying endorsement of concepts or opinions expressed.


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 Harold F. Schiffman

Professor Emeritus of
 Dravidian Linguistics and Culture
Dept. of South Asia Studies
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305

Phone:  (215) 898-7475
Fax:  (215) 573-2138

Email:  haroldfs at gmail.com

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