[lg policy] Northern Ireland: How the Irish language drove a wedge between Northern Ireland's Assembly

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 16:20:06 UTC 2017

How the Irish language drove a wedge between Northern Ireland's Assembly A
movement has begun to protest against decisions taken by the Assembly
‘against’ the Irish language.
9 hours ago 14,008 Views 60 Comments
Image: Sam Boal

DEPUTY FIRST MINISTER Martin McGuinness resigned on Monday after a month of
political outrage over the the renewable energy scheme scandal, which could
cost the government up to half a billion pounds.

Although there is a lot of talk around First Minister Arlene Foster and the
DUP’s ‘arrogance’ over their handling of the botched Renewable Heating
Incentive (RHI) – the role of the Irish language in Northern Ireland has
been becoming an equally tricky issue for Stormont’s two ‘powersharing’
political parties.

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir, Sinn Féin’s finance minister and former mayor of
Belfast, said on Raidió na Gaeltachta’s Cormac ag a Cúig
<http://www.rte.ie/radio1/podcast/podcast_cormacagacuig.xml> that
McGuinness had been left with no alternative but to resign and that his
patience had effectively ‘ran out’.

He said that it was because of the level of “disrespect and hate”, they
couldn’t stay in government with the DUP, and wouldn’t be returning to the
status quo after an election.

Political commentators have suggested that the party is under pressure from
its support base to stop compromising with the DUP on core Sinn Féin issues
– which led to poor nationalist turn-outs in the last election.

[image: Renewable Heat Initiative allegations] Source: PA Wire/PA Images

Although Ó Muilleoir mentioned that Foster had been the ‘architect’ of the
RHI scandal that has caused so much controversy, he added that the second
reason for the resignation was the DUP’s refusal to engage with policies
around the Irish language in the North.

Up until the latest Stormont Assembly with Arlene Foster and McGuinness at
the helm, discussions and policies around Irish language policies had been
stagnant at worst – with talk around the implementation of an Irish
Language Act ongoing (commitment to preserve, develop and promote Irish is
part of the Good Friday Agreement).

But recently DUP members had began to implement regressive policies with
regard to the Irish language: such as the new Agriculture Minister renaming
a boat from the Irish ‘Banraíon Uladh’ to ‘Queen of Ulster’ at a cost of
£302, according to Tuairisc.ie

Last month, the Assembly’s Communities Minister Paul Givan withdrew funding
for the Líofa Irish language bursary fund, which was worth about £50,000
per year.

According to the BBC <http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-38422550>,
an email was sent out on the night before Christmas Eve telling employees
“Because of efficiency savings, the department will not be providing the
Líofa bursary scheme in 2017. Happy Christmas and Happy New Year.”

The fund allowed at least 100 students from disadvantaged areas to attend a
Gaeltacht in Co Donegal, and led Gerry Adams to call the move ”an ignorant
decision taken by an ignoramus”.

Funding for the expansion of five Irish language schools has been refused
by the DUP education minister, saying that ‘demands are being met’ despite
some schools seeing an increase in students enrolling.

Previous education minister John O’Dowd of Sinn Féin made moves to
refurbish and even open Irish language schools, which caused controversy as
it was said that there wasn’t sufficient demand to justify the move when
the department had to make cuts of £198 million.

When Peter Weir replaced O’Dowd as education minister in May 2016, he said
that there would be ‘no favouritism for Irish language schools’ and called
O’Dowd’s promotions of the Irish language an ‘obsession’.

*An Dream Dearg*

In the wake of these series of moves against the Irish language – arguably
aiding An Ghaeilge by stoking up anger – a movement has begun online of
Northern Irish citizens who are enraged by what they see as disrespect
shown to the Irish language and Irish culture through policy implementation.

Those who support the campaign have changed their profile picture on
Twitter to a red icon with a white circle. The protest is called ‘An Dream
Dearg’ (The Red Crowd) in an ode to protests in the Republic of Ireland,
which ran with the slogan ‘dearg le fearg’ or ‘red with anger’ over what
was perceived as unsuitable appointments to government departments dealing
with the Irish language.

Some high-profile names have showed their support for ‘An Dream Dearg’
including two boxing competitors from the Rio Olympic Games: Paddy Barnes
and Michael Conlan.


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