[lg policy] Language and health student program: now recruiting for 2017-2018 (Quebec)

Yael Peled yael.a.peled at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 17:42:31 UTC 2017

Dear list members,

The student program in language and health <http://www.mcgill.ca/ihsp/studentprograms/language-and-health-care>, based at McGill’s Institute for Health and Social Policy, is now recruiting for its 5th cohort for the 2017-2018 academic year. Specifically, the program aims:

1. To encourage new and innovative research on facilitating access to health care for English-speaking minorities in Quebec by providing support to students not currently affiliated with the TRHP project and/or HCALM network through mentorship, training and funding.

2. To equip students interested in access to health care for linguistic minorities with skills and tools to connect with other researchers and the broader community through training on health systems and policy making/knowledge translation.

The program invites proposals for innovative research projects whose focus is to investigate the relationship between language and access to health or social services. Recipients will meet to discuss their research and strategies for translating research to policy. The total amount for this funding envelope is $20,000, to be equally divided among up to 5 awardees. Students who receive this funding will be required to write an 8-10 page report for the IHSP outlining key findings and plans for sharing their research with relevant stakeholders.

For more details, including application guidelines, see http://www.mcgill.ca/ihsp/studentprograms/language-and-health-care/application-details <http://www.mcgill.ca/ihsp/studentprograms/language-and-health-care/application-details>. Please do not hesitate to contact the program team (yael.peled at mcgill.ca <mailto:yael.peled at mcgill.ca> and heather.whipps at mcgill.ca <mailto:heather.whipps at mcgill.ca>) with any questions.

With all good wishes,



Dr. Yael Peled		

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Language and Health
The Health Care Access for Linguistic Minorities (HCALM <https://www.mcgill.ca/hssaccess/trhpp/research>) Network

Institute for Health and Social Policy
McGill University
Charles Meredith House 
1130 Pine Avenue West
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A3
Tel.: 514-398-1236 

Faculty of Law
McGill University
Chancellor Day Hall
3644 Peel Street
Montreal, Quebec 
Canada H3A 1W9
Tel.: 514-398-6666 
Website: www.peledy.com <http://www.peledy.com/>
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