[lg policy] Workshop about Education, language policy issues and minoritized languages across borders

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 15:43:21 UTC 2017

 Workshop about Education, language policy issues and minoritized languages
across borders
*Datum:* 30 mars 2017 12:30 - 31 mars 2017 15:00
*Plats:* B522

The Section of Finnish and the Department of Romance Studies and Classics
organize a workshop about education, language policies and minority
languages at Stockholm University. The workshop will be in English.
Programme Thursday 30 March
12.30-12.50 Registration at site
12.50-13.00 Welcoming words
13.00-13.40 *Toshiko Sugino*, Kogakuin University, Japan: “Educational,
social, and psychological problems that new-comers in Japan have faced,
especially in case of Nikkei Brazilians”
13.40-14.20 *Linus Salö*, SU, SE: “Mother tongue education in Sweden and
Denmark: Linguistic exchange rates and nation-ization struggles”
14.20-15.00 *Memet Aktürk-Drake*, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, BE: “When
divergent state ideologies converge on immigrant-language education: The
case of Turkish in Western Europe”
15.00-15.30 Coffee
15.30-16.10 *Cor van der Meer*, Mercator Research Centre/Fryske Akademy,
Leeuwarden, NL: “The Frisian language in Education, a continuous challenge”
16.10-16.50 *Laura Álvarez & Anna Jon-And*, SU, SE: ”Language shift and
maintenance in Angola: a study on attitudes toward Portuguese and Bantu
16.50-17.30 *Conchúr Ó Giollagáin*, The University of the Highlands and
Islands, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Isle of Skye, Scotland: “Minority bilingual
acquisition and challenges for educational provision: Issues for the
Gaeltacht and the Gàidhealtachd”   Friday 31 March
09.00-09.40 *Gabriele Iannacaro & Vittorio de’ll Aquila*, SU, SE: ”Desired
schools, possible schools, real schools: Italian minorities and school
systems policies”
09.40-10.20 *Natasha Ringbom & Ekaterina Protassova*, SU, SE & Helsinki U,
FI: “Family language policy in Finland and Sweden: Linguistic choices of
Russian-speaking parents”
10.20-10.50 Coffee
10.50-11.30 *Fritjof Sahlström*, Åbo Akademi, Vasa, FI: “Teaching and
learning in the shadow of Taxell’s paradox – language practices in
co-located Swedish-Finnish schools in Finland”
11.30-12.10 *Natalia Ganuza & Christina Hedman*, SU, SE: “Mother tongue
instruction and its impact on biliteracy development and school results”
12.10-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.10 *Jeroen Darquennes*, Namur U, BE: ”The role of
language-in-education policy and planning in language maintenance in
minority settings: practice-informed theoretical perspectives”
14.10-14.50 *Jarmo Lainio & Lasse Vuorsola*, SU, SE: “International
minority language promotion in relation to local indifference – the matter
of non-implementation of bilingual education in Sweden”
14.50-15.00 Closure and final words


Preregistration needed, to simplesignup before 21 March 2017.

Sign up for 30/3 at https://simplesignup.se/private_event/91656/b21d7a7a27
Sign up for 31/3 at https://simplesignup.se/private_event/92453/a2352c7ec6

How to get here

The workshop will be held in room B 522, in Södra huset, Frescati,
Stockholm University. You can locate the building Södra huset using this
map of the campus:  Map Campus Frescati
(1996 Kb) . Use the entrance marked 14B on the map.

Information på svenska

Avdelningen för finska ordnar tillsammans med Romanska och klassiska
institutionen ett seminarium om utbildning, språkpolitik och minoriserade
språk över gränserna. Seminariespråket är engelska.


Download abstracts as a pdf:  Workshop 30-31 March programme and abstracts
(487 Kb) .


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