[lg policy] University language policy exposes societal fractures Sharon Dell 08 February 2019 Share Criticism by a senior government minister of the adoption this year by one of South Africa's top, formerly Afrikaans universities of English as the language of teaching and learning for all first-year students has re-stoked debate on a highly emotive issue, exposing identity-based fractures that persist in the post-apartheid society. In what has been described as a “surprising” Twitter post, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni said he “publicly and in his personal capacity DISAGREED” with the phasing out of Afrikaans as a medium of teaching at the University of Pretoria. “As a country, you are shooting yourselves down. You will regret it in 30 years’ time,” he tweeted. Two days later, Mboweni tweeted a link to a 2016 article by language practitioner Khethiwe Marais which argued in its closing lines that Afrikaans should be used as a resource for the development of multilingualism as

Harold Schiffman haroldfs at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 15:57:12 UTC 2019


 Harold F. Schiffman

Professor Emeritus of
 Dravidian Linguistics and Culture
Dept. of South Asia Studies
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305

Phone:  (215) 898-7475
Fax:  (215) 573-2138

Email:  haroldfs at gmail.com

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