[Lgpolicy] The end of an era for the French language?

Francis M. Hult via Lgpolicy lgpolicy at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Thu Mar 28 22:16:30 UTC 2024

The Independent/Independent Arabia

The end of an era for the French language?

The coup-born government of Burkina Faso unveiled a bill aiming to revise
the constitution and abolish the use of French as an official language.
This development raises the question of whether we are witnessing the end
of this languageā€™s golden age in the African Sahel, after a series of
military coups undermining the military, diplomatic and economic influence
of Paris.

Burkina Faso is far from being the only state in the African Sahel that is
actively reviewing its dependence on the French language. Indeed, Mali
preceded it in this regard when it dropped French as an official language
last June.

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