[Lgpolicy] Call for Papers: The Policy and Politics of Language

Michele Gazzola michele at michelegazzola.com
Thu May 2 04:37:24 UTC 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS - SISP Conference (Italian Political Science 
Association), Trieste, Italy, 12-14 September 2024

Panel 6.6 “*The Policy and Politics of Language*” - (Section 6 - Public 
Policy and Public Administration)


Michele Gazzola, Ulster University (m.gazzola at ulster.ac.uk) and Rocco W. 
Ronza, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano 
(rocco.ronza at unicatt.it).


The field of Language Policy and Planning (LPP) attracted the attention 
of pioneers of empirical political research like K.W. Deutsch, J.A. 
Laponce, and S. Rokkan. After the 1980s, however, the “critical” and 
“postmodern” turn in the social sciences promoted a drift of LPP from 
public policy and political studies. Since the early 2000s, and more 
intensively in recent years, signs of convergence have emerged again. 
The role of governments and statesin the making of language policy has 
been stressed, andmoreattention has been placed on the politics of 
language as well as on the process of language policy design, 
implementation, and evaluation. Within this broad perspective, the panel 
invites paper proposals that deal with:

  * language policy as public policy
  * minority language promotion and protection
  * public policies for the integration of immigrants
  * management of linguistic diversity in the EU and the area of higher
  * the linkage between language planning and identity-building at
    local, national and international level
  * the role of power and politics in language planning.

Those interested in presenting a paper should send their proposal to the 
panel chairs exclusively through the MySISP reserved area 
<https://www.sisp.it/login>*before the 31st of May 2024*.The abstract 
can be written either in Italian or English, the oral presentations can 
take place any of the two languages. The proposal should include the 
title of the paper, the author(s)’ full name, institution, e-mail 
address and an abstract of no more than 6,000 characters (including 
spaces). The abstract will be published on the SISP website if the 
proposal is accepted. The system will send an e-mail notification to the 
author(s) to confirm the receipt of the paper proposal.

For information on the Conference and assistance on paper submissions, 
please write to convegno at sisp.it.


For registration and fees, see www.sisp.it/en/registration-2 
<http://www.sisp.it/en/registration-2>. Registration to the Conference 
can be done exclusively through the reserved area MySISP.


15 April – 31 May 2024: Call for papers

14 June 2024: Deadline for paper selection by panel chairs

20 July 2024: End of early bird registration for non SISP members

31 July 2024: Deadline to appear in the program. All conference 
participants interested in having their name displayed in the program 
must register by this date.

31 August 2024: Deadline for registration to the Conference for both 
SISP members and non-members.

5 September 2024: Deadline for uploading the paper by participants who 
want to see it published on the SISP website.

Michele Gazzola
Ulster University
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