[Lgpolicy] Online seminar invite: 3 March at 16:00 EET, Edit Zgut-Przybylska, 'A critical discourse analysis of anti-imperialism and historical grievances in Eurosceptic populist rhetoric: insights from Hungary and Poland'

Dave Sayers via Lgpolicy lgpolicy at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Tue Feb 11 14:05:08 UTC 2025

We are delighted to announce the next in the 2024-25 series of online guest seminars 
here in the English section at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland -- open to all!

On 3 March at 16:00 East European Time, Edit Zgut-Przybylska (Polish Academy of 
Sciences) will give a talk titled 'A critical discourse analysis of anti-imperialism 
and historical grievances in Eurosceptic populist rhetoric: insights from Hungary and 
Poland'. The event will be live-streamed online with interactive Q&A after the talk. 
All are welcome to attend. Read the abstract and register here: 
https://r.jyu.fi/engseminars24-25. You'll then be emailed the live stream info before 
the seminar.

If you can't make it for the live stream, register anyway and I'll get back in touch 
afterwards with details of the video recording.

Please share this message with anyone who may be interested, and please also repost here:

All the best,

Dr. Dave Sayers, ORCID no. 0000-0003-1124-7132
Senior Lecturer & Docent, Dept Language & Communication Studies, U. Jyväskylä, Finland |www.jyu.fi
Co-Convenor, BAAL SIG 'Humans, Machines, Language' |https://r.jyu.fi/humala
Founder & Moderator, TeachLing |https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/teachling
dave.sayers at cantab.net |https://jyu.academia.edu/DaveSayers
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