
Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at tamu.edu
Mon Nov 8 18:33:22 UTC 1999

In keeping with the AAA theme this year, I'd be interested in hearing what
people consider some of the most innovative/useful/insightful things that
linguistic anthropologists (widely conceived) have said about language and
time recently. I don't have any particular definition of time that I'm
operating from: tense, discourse sequencing, language change, and much more
might fit in here.

Please send replies to me and I'll summarize for the list.



Mary Bucholtz
Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Discourse Studies
Department of English
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227

bucholtz at tamu.edu
phone: (409) 862-3910
fax: (409) 862-2292

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