CS773: Generating Multimedia Texts in 3D-Virtual Reality

sklein at cs.wisc.edu sklein at cs.wisc.edu
Mon Nov 15 02:00:58 UTC 1999

							Spring 2000
Comp Sci  773
 (also Linguistics 773)
Generating Multimedia Texts in  3D-Virtual Reality

    MWF  1:20                     1257 CompSci & Stat.

The use of natural language to generate multimedia texts
in 3D Virtual Reality, including interactive animated fiction,
folktales, soap operas, advertisements, editorials,
& informational documentaries.

Group projects are encouraged.  Successful efforts may yield publishable
 (or marketable) results.

advanced background in one of the following areas,

  Computer Science - Linguistics - Computer Engineering -
  Cognitive Science - Logic - Simulation Models -
  Communication media - Literary theory - Music theory
  Anthropological theory - Iconography - Computer Art

	  or Consent of Instructor


Prof. Sheldon Klein	sklein at cs.wisc.edu
Computer Sciences Dept.
University of Wisconsin		Linguistics Dept.
1210 W. Dayton St		1168 Van Hise	
Madison, Wisconsin 53706	University of Wisconsin
				Madison, Wisconsin 53706       USA

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