access to industry

Susan Mann susan at
Mon Apr 24 16:39:33 UTC 2000

Claire -

As an anthropologist who has worked in industry for the past 21 years, here are my thoughts on how to "sell" your project to the corporation.

What you are doing is very similar to what has been called "business process analysis" which is the first step in "Business Process Re-engineering".  Both of these terms were all the rage here in the US about 3 years ago.  The activities that are encompassed by these terms are still being practiced - just the buzzwords involved are different these days.  You can "pitch" your project through the following avenues - identification of inefficiencies in your work flow,  documentation of your procedures which differ from your corporate procedure manual,  identification of candidate processes for automation, data gathering for retooling for more cost-effective business practices and procedures.

If there is room for another anthropologist/business process engineer on your team, I am available to participate.  Even at a later stage where the recommendations for the business to apply your results come in.
Susan  Mann

do you have AbleBrains?

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