a short psychology of 'want-to-be' wannabe
marsha chuk
chukm at ERE.UMontreal.CA
Wed Feb 16 14:22:02 UTC 2000
Lacan himself, in discussing 'lack and desire' (the problematic of the Gaze
and the Symbolic Order), translated the expression 'manque à être' as
'want-to-be'. He was referring to that-which-is-not the Signifier (S
majuscule). The Signifier, like Aristotle's Heliotrope, is the Pure Noun,
moving, by the insistance of a signifying chain [la Signification du
phallus], through the Symbolic Order; the Sun on its appointed rounds. And,
as happens in such dyadic circumstances, for a thing to be Pure, it
requires that the Other (s minuscule) be polluted: a wo-man is a wo-nnabe
man (or as Gershwin put it, a sometime-thing).
Lacan, of course, was a Freud wannabe.
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