Samoan language grammarian wanted

Frank Engel fengel at
Fri Mar 31 14:03:41 UTC 2000

Here at Mt. Angel Seminary we have many young Samoan men in our
Intensive English Program. After four years of working with these students,
our instructors have repeatedly observed inexplicable peculiarities in their
English language usage, and we have come to the conclusion that some
knowledge of Samoan mechanics and grammar would be of great use to us.

We are hoping to find someone with a linguistics or
anthropology/linguistics background to share his or her knowledge and
insights into the workings of the Samoan language. We envision engaging this
person in a paid intensive half (or full) day instructional workshop with
three to
five (or more) seminary instructors.

If you know of someone--preferably in the Portland-Seattle area--who could
help us out, I would appreciate a referral as soon as possible. Thanks in
advance for your consideration.

Please contact
Franklin Engel, Prof. Intensive English Program
Mt. Angel Seminary
St. Benedict, Oregon
503 845-3521
fax: 503 845-3126
email: fengel at
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