racist rhetoric

Rudolf P. Gaudio gaudio at u.arizona.edu
Fri Sep 8 23:59:41 UTC 2000

There are a lot of things about this exchange -- and about your position in
particular -- that I just don't get, either, Larry, but I don't think
further discussion is going to change that for any of us.  As for whether
your interpretation of my and others' motivations for participating in this
exchange is unfair, my sense is that it is, so I, for one, accept your
apology.  For my part, to whatever extent I might have inadvertently
contributed to distorting the true intentions (whatever those might be) of
Andrew Brown, Ian Pitchford, or the community of evolutionary psychology
practitioners and aficionados, I too apologize.


> I just don't get it.  I don't get why a bunch of linguistic
> anthropologists would jump into  paper-thin descriptions of what is
> really a pretty innocuous article in a small-circulation venue.  But
> I get even less why they would vigorously defend such
> superficially-based attacks on it.  Since I don't know most of you
> who have written at all, I can only guess, but it sure seems like
> your assessment of the "meaning" of the Brown article followed a
> filter that said "topics that I care about are real important, topics
> that bore me don't exist."  If that

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