Hymes reference sought

bryllars at concentric.net bryllars at concentric.net
Sun Aug 26 20:37:06 UTC 2001

Everything is in the details.

I will try as soon as possible to recover what is wanted if it appeared
either in the
book or AA -
   but I am a little vague as to exactly how this passage appeared.or what
you saw.

There is an article called -  Some North Pacific Coast poems: a problem in
Philology which I like very much which discusses the relation of
appreciation to the collection
of "poems"  and the role of translations and the historical context of

There is also the section  called Breakthrough into Performance  which
seems to slant at
some of these issues.

    although I am a little hard put to visualize Hymes talking about "how
near and dear to us"
or writing in "a transfixed , psychodelic manner"   not because he does not
have strong
feelings - but simply that the tone is wrong.

Perhaps you could clarify just a little and maybe provide a bit more
context - even vaguely

   Karl Reisman
     former research assistant (1959) to Dell Hymes.
Bryllars at concentric.net

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