AAE/SE Primer?

monaghan monaghan at temple.edu
Fri Apr 19 10:42:07 UTC 2002


Am currently teaching school in inner-city Philadelphia.  Am working in a
with Labov & Bettina Baker's great reading program for African American kids
it focuses mostly on phonological/morphological features such as silent e
and the importance of s and ed endings.  Does any one have a straight forward
guide to AAVE/SE syntactic differences?  A web-based one would be ideal.  Most
of my students are solidly bi-dialectal but a few resolutely correct nasty
single negatives to proper double negative concord and leave out optional
copulas and unfortunately it is screwing up their reading of standard English

cheers, Leila
monaghan at temple.edu

ps: will be in the Communication and Culture department at Indiana University
next year, are any of y'all from that area of the

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