job posting

Goodman, Jane E. janegood at
Fri Feb 1 18:57:19 UTC 2002

Indiana University, Department of Communication and Culture, invites
applications for the position of course director in interpersonal
communication.  This is a full-time, non-tenure track position at the rank
of lecturer with an initial appointment of three years and possibility of
promotion to senior lecturer after six years.  Responsibilities include
directing the basic service course in interpersonal communication (including
a staff of approximately 10 graduate students offering 20 sections per
semester) and teaching two courses per semester (one section of
interpersonal communication plus one additional undergraduate course in the
department).  Consistent with the department's interdisciplinary orientation
and drawing from performance and ethnographic perspectives, the
interpersonal communication course has been redesigned to emphasize the ways
in which social identities emerge through culturally mediated language
practices.  Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in communication or
related field such as linguistic anthropology with an academic background
and teaching experience relevant to the redesigned course, demonstrated
teaching skills, and strong administrative abilities.  Applicants should
send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, evidence of successful
teaching experience, and three letters of recommendation.  All materials
should be received by March 1, 2002 to assure consideration.  Address to:
Robert L. Ivie, Interpersonal Communication Course Director Search,
Department of Communication and Culture, Mottier Hall, 1790 East 10th St.,
Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405-9700.  Indiana University is an
equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. The university actively
encourages applications and nominations of women, minorities, applicants
with disabilities, and members of other underrepresented groups.

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