Discourse and gibbons

Ronald Kephart rkephart at unf.edu
Thu Nov 14 19:36:26 UTC 2002

on 11/14/02 1:40 PM, David Samuels wrote:

> Unfortunately, I can't recall the name of the researcher. But it is
> included in a PBS Nova episode, called "Can Chimpanzees Talk?" that
> includes both some very interesting and very problematic work.

The researcher's name is Sara Boysen, Ohio State University. A transcript of
the film is at:


The segment on Boysen is about 2/3 of the way thru the transcript. At one
point she says:

"The introduction of the numbers completely releases the animal from that
very, very rigid automatic response of selecting more, and allows them to
use this cultural rule that we had established. It was quite extraordinary."

Ronald Kephart
English & Foreign Languages
University of North Florida

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