linguistic questions

Stephen C Hollister sch99 at
Thu Apr 17 16:55:43 UTC 2003

If a linguist is someone who analyzes data to determine how a linguistic system works then all seven-year-olds (indeed all children) are linguists.  It they weren't they would never learn their native languages.


On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, Robert Lawless wrote:

> It is not just linguists who ponder these questions. My seven-year-old
> crawls into bed with me this morning and asks, "How do people come up with
> words," "Hmmmmmmmm," I sleepily respond. Looking up at the ceiling fan, he
> asks, "How did they decide that the word for fan was fan?" Waking up and
> realizing that I was in trouble, I say, "Well, people who study that sort
> of thing are called linguists, and I have a friend named Ron who is a
> linguist. I'll email him with your questions when I get to the office."
> "Okay. Daddy, can I cuddle with you?" "Sure." A moment of silence and
> relief. Then, "Daddy, how do you know what I mean when I use the word
> cuddle?" Robert.

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