[LingAnth] It's time for new blood...

Richard J Senghas Richard.Senghas at sonoma.edu
Thu Aug 28 02:15:15 UTC 2003

Hey LingAnthers,

I've recently returned from some time away, to discover a ridiculous
backlog of Linganth List administrative messages and tasks
(exacerbated by the SOBIG virus).  I've also returned to a real
crisis situation in my department and university in the face of the
devastating California budget crisis.  As a department chair, I'll be
challenged by the daunting tasks of maintaining our department with
ever diminishing funds, and I expect this crisis to last at least the
next couple years.  Since my primary professional obligation (after
teaching) right now is to defend our program here at SSU,  it is
becoming clearer and clearer to me that it is time for a change in
the administration of this list.

So, I am looking for volunteers to take over administration of this list.

If you are interested in volunteering, please send reply to this
message.  Experience with majordomo, listserv, or other list
management software a plus, but is not necessary if you have the
right can-do attitude.  If you have access to a university IT
department for support, even better!

I have been thinking that someone in the earlier phases of a
linguistic-anthro career might be able to use this opportunity to
make a visible contribution to the field of lx-anthro, and thereby
enhance the career path.  Perhaps a team is even more appropriate, to
provide the redundancy that will make this list a more reliable and
developed resource.  (I'd love to see us restart the efforts to get a
Linganth web site established where we can provide archives and other
services to members or the public.)

Weary but hopeful,

Linganth List Administrator

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