title use question

P. Kerim Friedman kerim.list at oxus.net
Mon Nov 24 21:45:33 UTC 2003

The archives are available online (and can be searched) here:



On Nov 24, 2003, at 4:29 PM, Michele Koven wrote:

> Hello,
> Over the summer there was a very interesting discussion on this list 
> about different people's first hand experience of title use in academe 
> in the U.S. and abroad. Does anyone have some of those messages 
> archived on their hard drives, that they might be willing to forward 
> on to me? I seem to have mistakenly deleted those exchanges, when I 
> was trying to make room on my computer.
> Thanks!
> Michele Koven
> -- 
> Michèle Koven
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Speech Communication
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> 244 Lincoln Hall
> 702 S. Wright St.
> Urbana, Illinois 61801
> ph:(217) 333-8969
> fax: (217) 244-1598

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