Discourse studies job at Carnegie Mellon

Barbara Johnstone bj4 at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Sep 25 13:24:00 UTC 2003

The Rhetoric Program in the Department of English at Carnegie Mellon
University invites applications for a tenure-track position in the area of
discourse studies. The Department is looking for an outstanding teacher and
scholar/researcher who does work in the structures and strategies of written
and spoken discourse. Special competencies may include but are not limited
to one or more of the following: critical and deliberative discourse, public
health communication, argumentation, public and community discourse,
sociolinguistics, or intercultural rhetoric.

We are especially interested in candidates at the Assistant level, but will
consider highly qualified individuals at the untenured and tenured Associate

The Rhetoric Program supervises a B. A. in professional writing, a B. S. in
technical writing, an M.A. in professional writing, an M. Design in
communication planning and information design (joint with the School of
Design), and an M.A. and Ph.D. in rhetoric. The English Department also
offers B.A.s in creative writing and in English, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in
literary and cultural studies.

Ph.D. in hand by the time of appointment in Rhetoric, Linguistics,
Communication Studies, or closely related field (e.g., American Studies,
Anthropology, Cognitive or Social Psychology, Cultural Studies, Law,
Philosophy). The Department will prefer candidates with successful teaching
experiences, research and publication records, and interdisciplinary skills
appropriate to teaching and publishing in rhetoric. The Department will also
prefer candidates who, in addition to teaching in their specialization, can
teach in our general curriculum (e.g., Rhetorical Traditions),  both at the
undergraduate and graduate levels.

The successful candidate is expected to establish a strong research program,
demonstrate excellent teaching performance, and contribute to professional
and public service. Duties include: teach and develop undergraduate and
graduate courses; supervise graduate student research; develop a research
program; participate in faculty governance; participate in department,
university, professional and public service. Candidates for Associate
Professor will possess academic credentials to qualify for a tenured faculty
appointment at Carnegie Mellon.

Appointment, Rank, and Salary:
Nine-month, tenure-track position; rank of assistant professor; possibly
tenured or untenured associate; competitive salary. The teaching load is two
courses each semester. Starting date is Fall, 2004.

Application Procedure:
Send letter of application that includes a statement of career goals within
the context of the position, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of
reference to:

Professor David S. Kaufer
ATTN:  Discourse Studies Position
Department of English
Baker Hall 259
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Application Deadline:
Review of applications will begin  on November 1, 2003 until the position is
filled.  The deadline to insure full consideration is postmarked by November
1, 2003.

We plan to make a preliminary selection of potential candidates early in
December and hope to meet with any of those candidates attending the Modern
Language Association meeting in San Diego in December. Other potential
candidates who are not attending the MLA meeting will be contacted by
telephone. We anticipate campus interviews in January.

Carnegie Mellon University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
employer. For further information about department and university, see:


Barbara Johnstone
Professor of Rhetoric and Linguistics
Department of English
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

bj4 at andrew.cmu.edu
phone/voicemail 01.412.268.6447
fax 01.412.268.7989

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