[Linganth] Rutgers part-time lectureship

Laura M. Ahearn ahearn at rci.rutgers.edu
Mon Apr 26 15:35:36 UTC 2004

      The Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University is seeking a
part-time lecturer in linguistic anthropology for Fall 2004.  The
lecturer will have responsibility for teaching one undergraduate course
and one graduate seminar, for $4,000 each.  The undergraduate course
could be Language and Social Diversity (070:312), Language, Culture, and
Cognition (070:313), or another linguistic anthropology course chosen in
consultation with the Department.  The graduate seminar could be Power,
State, and Nation (070:520), which could be a cultural anthorpology or a
combined cultural/linguistic anthropology course, or another course
chosen in consultation with the Department.  Please see our website for
more information about undergraduate courses in the catalog
(http://anthro.rutgers.edu/ugrad/ccat.shtml), graduate courses in the
catalog (http://anthro.rutgers.edu/grad/gradclass.shtml), and general
information about our Department (http://anthro.rutgers.edu).

     Please send a CV, names of three references, and a letter
specifying which courses you would like to teach.  Materials should be
sent electronically to ahearn at rci.rutgers.edu.  If it is not possible to
send materials electronically, please send hard copies to Laura M.
Ahearn, Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, 131 George
Street, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901 -- but also please send an e-mail
indicating that materials have been sent via regular mail.  Review of
applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position
is filled.
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