[Linganth] Survey on tenure requirements for linguistic anthropologists

Jennifer Dickinson Jennifer.Dickinson at uvm.edu
Mon Sep 27 20:46:59 UTC 2004

My department is in the process of revising and updating its tenure and
promotion guidelines, and I am hoping some of you will be able to offer
perspectives from different institutions.  I, like many of you, am the only
linguistic anthropologist in my department, and the question of the "book
requirement" and the standards within our subfield has arisen.  I would really
appreciate it if some of you in tenure-track positions could fill out this
quick survey and email it back to me within a week or two.  Please feel free to
fill out as much or little as is convenient.  I'll be happy to summarize the
results for the linganth list, removing any reference to particular
institutions and the names of respondents.
Thanks, and I apologize for any inconvenience!
J. Dickinson, University of Vermont

Your institution:

Type of institution (e.g. university, community college, etc):

Your tenure dept:

Are you considered a linguistic anthropologist by your department?

Does your dept. require a book for tenure?

Does your department have an equivalent number of articles that can be
substituted for a book?

If so, how many (peer reviewed)?

If a book is not required, how many articles (ballpark/benchmark) are required
for tenure?

Is this a departmental or subfield-specific requirement?

Other comments? (e.g. specific requirements regarding publication venues):

Jennifer Dickinson
University of Vermont
email:  jennifer.dickinson at uvm.edu

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