Position Announcement: Cultural Anthropologist

Ronald Kephart rkephart at UNF.EDU
Thu Nov 20 16:58:37 UTC 2008

I was asked to post this to the List:

Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 10:34:40 -0500 To: LINGANTH at listserv.linguistlist.org
From: "Rachel R. Reynolds" <rrr28 at drexel.edu> Subject: job posting, Asst.
Prof., Anthropology

DREXEL UNIVERSITY, Department of Culture & Communication anticipates hiring
a full-time tenure-track assistant professor in Cultural Anthropology
beginning Fall 2009. The Department of Culture and Communication is an
interdisciplinary department with research foci in media studies, discourse,
the social impact of new technologies, theory and methodology. An
anthropologist specializing in the intersection of digital subjectivities
and the technological mediation of cultural practices and identity would be
particularly interesting to the department. Geographic area is open but we
would prefer a scholar who has done research outside of the United States.
Dynamic scholars with strong research backgrounds who wish to work in a
growing interdisciplinary department are especially welcome.

Drexel University is a private, urban university with over 11,000 full-time
undergraduates.  Drexel is well-known for its cooperative education program.
The Department of Culture and Communication is within the College of Arts
and Sciences and comprises faculty in Communication and Linguistics,
Sociology, Anthropology, and Modern Languages.

The Department offers BA degrees in Anthropology and in Sociology, BS
degrees in Criminal Justice and in Urban Environmental Policy, BA and BS
degrees in Communication, with undergraduate specialties in Corporate and
Public Relations, Technical Communication, and Journalism, and an MS degree
in Communication, with concentrations in Public, Technical or Science
Communication. The Department also offers MS degrees in Communication, in
Publication Management, and in Environmental Policy. In addition, the
department is in the final stages of approval for a new interdisciplinary
Doctoral program in Culture and Communication. Teaching responsibilities
include undergraduate courses in Anthropology and perhaps graduate courses
in communication. Ph.D., preferably in Anthropology, must be in hand by the
time of appointment.

Review of applications will begin December 1, 2008 and will continue until
the position is filled.  Please apply through
<http://www.drexeljobs.com/>www.DrexelJobs.com with letter of application,
vita, contact information for three references, and statement of research
program.  Inquiries about the position should be addressed to Dr. Wesley
Shumar, Chair, Search Committee, at
<mailto:shumarw at drexel.edu>shumarw at drexel.edu.

Drexel University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and
encourages applications from qualified women, members of minority groups,
disabled individuals, and veterans. <http://www.drexel.edu/>www.drexel.edu

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