Rebecca Greene rebeccagreene at GMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 26 02:50:49 UTC 2010

Hi, sorry, that email accidentally sent before I got to finish writing it!
Please ignore it and read this one.

Hi, I am trying to organize a panel for the AAA meeting in New Orleans
> November 17-21, on the theme 'Language, Ideology and Identity'.
> People use language creatively in part to express a vast and rapidly
> changing array of social identities, but these identities, however diverse
> and changing, do not 'come out of nowhere'.  Rather, they seem to be
> intimately related to our broader ideologies about the world, and the power
> structures in society underlying those ideologies.  The study of how people
> use and talk about language can inform and be informed by the study of what
> is driving other human behaviors, including our interests, and the
> constraints on our working toward those interests.
> I am would like to to include:
> --ethnographically-informed studies of language, identity and ideology in
> particular contexts,
> --studies that broach broader social theoretical questions regarding
> identity, ideology, power, and language, including:

> ----How might the different social identities that we observe in the world
> be categorized in interesting ways (ex. 'oppositional', 'unmarked',
> 'dominant', 'teen', 'rural', 'modern', 'globally-oriented'), and how are
> these similarities grounded in real-life circumstances of the world, and our
> ideologies about?
> ----How do ideology and social identity function differently in dominant as
> opposed to subordinated social groups?
> ----What sort of experiences do people have that drive them to construct
> strong in-group identities?
> ----How does having a given social identity, or holding given ideologies,
> make someone's life more manageable for them?

If you are interested in presenting in the panel I describe, please contact
me as soon as possible!  I plan on presenting my own work on language in a
rural community in Eastern Kentucky.  Thank you very much.

Rebecca Greene
Ph.D. Candidate, Linguistics
Stanford University

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