Transcription technology?

Val Pagliai v.pagliai at YAHOO.COM
Wed May 12 19:47:34 UTC 2010


I use Express Scribe that can be found for free online, has a mac version and a window one. I use the mac version. It allows to use a pedal with USB connection. You just have to select it in the preferences.


Valentina Pagliai

Department of Anthropology
CUNY Queens College & Lehman College

Powdermaker 314G
Queens College
65-30 Kissena Blvd
Flushing, NY 11367
 Phone# (908) 668-4840  (h)

There Is No Place Like Everywhere

From: galey modan <gmodan at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 3:31:25 PM
Subject: Re: [LINGANTH] Transcription technology?

Further to Steve's question, I'd be interested to know if anyone knows
of any good transcription technology which allows you to use a foot
pedal so you can keep your fingers on the keyboard and stop and
backspace with your foot, like the old-fashioned cassette transcribing
machine way.


2010/5/12 Leila Monaghan <leila.monaghan at>:
> From Steve Bialosok, please reply to him--
> Steve Bialostok <stevebialostok at> (University of Wyoming)
> 10:39am
> I am looking for some sort of transcription technology. My work involves
> both interviews and classroom discourse.  I am unaware of sophisticated
> software other than the type you can buy between $100-200.00 at Best Buy or
> the Apple Store. I have been given a substantial amount of money (far more
> than $200.00) to buy something that works well. And since I'm techno-stupid,
> I'm hoping that it doesn't take a genius to make it work. Anyone out there
> have any ideas or product names. (And to all those techno-savy folk out
> there, what is "easy" and "simple" for you may be brain surgery for me.)
> Steve
> --
> Leila Monaghan, PhD
> Department of Anthropology
> University of Wyoming
> Laramie, Wyoming


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