Teaching single-case analysis in methods courses

Nathaniel Dumas ndumas at LINGUISTICS.UCSB.EDU
Wed Aug 24 03:19:50 UTC 2011

Dear Colleagues,

I hope all is well. Do any of you have experience in teaching single-case analysis* and its relationships to phenomenon-based analyses, primarily in methodology courses? If so, what have your experiences been in teaching why one should consider it, how to (not) do single-case analysis, and how to read/evaluate published single-case analyses?

Feel free to respond to me offline at ndumas at linguistics.ucsb.edu. 

Thanks in advance,

*By “single-case analysis,” I’m referring mainly to Emanuel Schegloff’s use of the term in his 1987 article, “Analyzing Single Episodes of Interaction.” Even though this term comes from CA, my observations are that a lot of performance and folklore research uses, to varying degrees, the idea of single-case analysis.

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