AV tools for teaching intro to ling anth (esp. films, youtubes, etc)

Jennifer Dickinson Jennifer.Dickinson at UVM.EDU
Mon Dec 12 17:16:05 UTC 2011

I really like Multilingual Hong Kong which is a great video on 
codeswitching that the students also seem to like.

 From a series by Oliver Sacks Parts of "The Rajin' Cajun" can be used 
for a very simple intro to ASL but it also deals with related 
communication issues.

On YouTube the Swedish Chef is good for discussing mock language, 
including an episode that discusses mock Japanese.  There are also some 
old Bugs Bunny cartoons that show WWII era mock German.

And then there's this piece which is good for a day when you just want 
to give everyone a laugh:



On 12/12/2011 10:20 AM, Alejandro Paz wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm teaching a second-year introduction to ling anth for the first 
> time. The sister courses in socio-cultural here use a great deal of AV 
> material, along with the lectures and tutorial discussions. I'd be 
> very grateful for any recommendations for useful movies, youtube 
> clips, and the like that others have found useful to teach ling anth 
> topics. For example, I have found the comedian Russell Peters is 
> useful for introducing students to ethnicity and race with language. 
> There's a youtube clip from one of his shows on "cultural names" that 
> works well.
> I have a feeling that this has been asked before, and if so, feel free 
> to point me to the archived discussion. If not, I'm happy to collate 
> the answers that I get into a blog post or the like.
> Thanks in advance!
> Alejandro

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