transcription work

Teresa Lane teresalane at YAHOO.COM
Mon Apr 30 12:03:55 UTC 2012

Hello everyone,
My cousin is looking for freelance work. She speaks English and Dutch fluently. She grew up in the US but has lived in Holland for more than 30 years. She is an art therapist and attended the University of Delaware. Her email address is: jphipps at If you know anyone who needs a proofreader or translator, I hope you will refer her.

Teresa Phipps Lane
P O Box 81638
Pittsburgh PA 15217
teresalane at

--- On Fri, 4/27/12, galey modan <gmodan at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

From: galey modan <gmodan at GMAIL.COM>
Subject: transcription work
Date: Friday, April 27, 2012, 12:33 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for someone -- ideally a native speaker of Dutch -- to
transcribe some Dutch data I have. It's pretty easy stuff, mostly interview
data and a few recordings of community meetings and other multi-party
interaction, but not too much overlapping speech. Please email me off-list
if you're interested, and please forward this to anyone you know who might
be interested. I got some grant money from my university, so the money's
pretty good.

thanks a lot,

Galey Modan

Gabriella Modan
Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics
Department of English
The Ohio State University
modan.1 at
gmodan at
+1 614 292 0338

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