AV tools for teaching intro to ling anth (esp. films, youtubes, etc)

galey modan gmodan at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 16 04:56:08 UTC 2012

And if you want something super recent, here's Newt Gingrich's Romney
attack ad about (among other things) how Romney speaks French:



2012/1/14 Elizabeth Spreng <elispreng at aol.com>

> Hello all,
> As the break here is quickly drawing to an end, I have been watching
> films, dare I say it, like a mad woman. There are two that have really
> blown me away because of their applicability to a number of classes and one
> that I just feel is wonderful to begin/continue a discussion of race.
> 1. Europe in One Room
> This is a bonus DVD packaged with Fishkin's book "When the People Speak."
> 2. September 11.
> 11 films embodying perspectives from around the word.
> 3. Schwarzfahrer (Translated title "Black Rider," Colloquial "Driver
> without a Licence or in this case "Rider without a Ticket."
> Set in Berlin, a beautiful black and white short on racism (won an Academy
> Award). It was included on a compilation called Short "Invention" but also
> on another film "Inch' Allah Dimanche" (which I have not watched yet.
> Have a wonderful week-end,
> Elizabeth Spreng
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kerim Friedman <oxusnet at GMAIL.COM>
> >
> Sent: Fri, Jan 13, 2012 11:14 pm
> Subject: Re: AV tools for teaching intro to ling anth (esp. films,
> youtubes, etc)
> Here are some more videos that might be useful for teaching, from Mother
> Jones:
> Roundup of our favorite "Shit [insert race, gender, sexual orientation]
> Say" videos http://mojo.ly/zCignw
> - Kerim
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:31 PM, Alejandro Paz
> <alejandro.paz at utoronto.ca>**wrote:
>  Dear Colleagues,
>> Thanks to one and all for the wonderful suggestions! I'm making my way
>> through them all, and I've talked to Alex Enkerli about compiling a
> list
>> for the SLA site, with some searchable tags.
>> Another one of my favorites, btw, to talk about Bakhtin's points of
>> re-voicing and interdiscursivity is to use the Soprano's episode 2,
> "46
>> Long," where Tony first discusses getting his mother into a retirement
> home
>> with his shrink and then in a later scene, tries to use that same
>> therapeutic voice (as if his own) to speak to his mother, without much
>> success.
>> Cheers,
>> Alejandro
>> ______________________________****____________________
>> Alejandro I. Paz
>> Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Humanities
>> University of Toronto Scarborough
>> Graduate Depts of Anthropology and Linguistics
>> University of Toronto
>> alejandro.paz at utoronto.ca
>> ______________________________****___________________
>> On 2011-12-13 7:01 PM, Ilana Gershon wrote:
>>  I like using Dave Chappelle's skit about the black blind white
>>> supremacist to teach fractal recursivity, especially to track
>>> oppositions between public and private.
>>> Ilana
> --
> *P. Kerim Friedman 傅可恩 <http://kerim.oxus.net/>*
> *
> *
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Indigenous Cultures
> College of Indigenous Studies
> National DongHwa University, TAIWAN
> 助理教授國立東華大學民族文化學系

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