supporting a project on heritage language research

Corinne Seals cseals108 at GMAIL.COM
Wed May 16 05:30:37 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

Recently, my research on heritage language learners was picked up by
the funding platform and is currently being highlighted on
the website. It was also highlighted on the AAA Facebook page last week.
Please help my project, "Successful Education for Heritage Language
Learners," get funded on

A minimum total of $3500 in donations must be reached for the project
to get funded. If this goal is reached, the research project will
receive the grant to proceed. If this amount is not reached, all
donors will receive their contributions back, and the project will not
be funded. Please donate if you can (any and all amounts are
welcome!). If you pledge one of the levels listed on the project page,
you will also receive the reward specified for that amount.

Please help this amazing opportunity become a reality!

Project site:

Thank you kindly,

Corinne Seals
Georgetown University
contact: cas257 at

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