query about dialect marker

Claire Bowern clairebowern at GMAIL.COM
Sun Sep 16 01:39:30 UTC 2012

Neither Larry Horn nor I have noticed this as a general feature among
Yale undergrads. There is a 'Yale dialect' (in that freshmen converge
pretty quickly once they get to campus, and seniors show some leve of
convergence too) but the features of the dialect that I've looked at
with acoustic measurements don't involve convergence to any local CT
or New England standard.
Claire (Yale ling.)

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Leila Monaghan
<leila.monaghan at gmail.com> wrote:
> To get a comparison, you might want to listen to the two Boston Brahmins in
> American Tongues for what the original version of that accent sounds like.
> all best, Leila
> On Thursday, September 13, 2012, Woolard, Kathryn wrote:
>> You may be able to add Yale undergrads to that category; suggested on
>> basis of one speaker raised in L.A. who went to Yale and has this feature.
>> Kit Woolard

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