CALL FOR PAPERS: 5th International Conference on Language in the Media 2013 (28-30 Sept, London)

Colleen Cotter c.m.cotter at QMUL.AC.UK
Thu Mar 21 20:25:57 UTC 2013

Hello all,
I'm pleased to announce the 5th International Language in the Media  
Conference, to be held at Queen Mary, University of London, Sept.  
28-30. The 2013 theme is: "Redefining journalism: Participation,  
practice, change."

The call for papers is on the conference website (and LinguistList):
Registration details will follow.

The abstract submission URL is via LinguistList, as noted on the call.

A wide range of sociocultural, sociolinguistic, anthropological, and  
media-research approaches, frameworks, and topics are sought, as the  
CFP makes clear.

Inside scoop: The Saturday conference reception will be at Ye Olde  
Cheshire Cheese, an historic pub off Fleet Street where former Fleet  
Street journalists still reinforce their community norms and  
interactions, despite the "remediation," relocation and realignments  
of the local/global news media institutions.

Please feel free to distribute this announcement along your own  
channels, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds -- with thanks.

And happy to answer any questions you might have.

All the best,

Colleen Cotter
Reader (associate professor) in Media Linguistics
Linguistics Department
School of Languages, Linguistics and Film
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
email: c.m.cotter at

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