Deborah Cameron @ AAA Saturday 11/23

Marcy Brink danan at MAIL.HUJI.AC.IL
Tue Oct 1 12:49:18 UTC 2013

It is my pleasure as an officer of SLA and SAE to announce a special AAA
Join us at the annual SAE William A. Douglass Distinguished Lecture on
Saturday, November 23, 2013: 6:30 PM-8:00 PM. This year's invitee, Deborah
Cameron of Oxford University, is best-known for work on language, gender
and sexuality and studies of communication anxiety in the UK and beyond. It
is this final topic she will address in her talk: Verbal Hygiene after
9/11: Language, the State and the New European Racism.  Reception and cash
bar follow the lecture, co-sponsored by SAE and the Society for Linguistic
Anthropology (SLA).  More on Professor Cameron's recent work:
Questions: Marcy Brink-Danan ( at
Marcy Brink-Danan, Ph.D.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Program-Chair 2013, Society for the Anthropology of Europe, AAA;
Nominations Committee, Society for Linguistic Anthropology, AAA
Jewish Life in 21st Century Turkey: The Other Side of Tolerance

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